Predavanje o umetni inteligenci

Marko Grobelnik iz Inštituta Jožef Stefan je 21. decembra 2021 maturantkam in maturantom na naši šoli predstavil osnove umetne inteligence in številne možnosti njene uporabe. Dogodek je v okviru predsedovanja Slovenije Svetu EU organiziral Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije v sodelovanju z Dvojezično trgovsko akademijo in Inštitutom Jožef Stefan.

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On Tuesday, 21st of December 2021 the students of 5A and 5B attended an oral presentation on the topic of Artificial Intelligence. The lecture was organised by the general consulate of Slovenia.

Marko Grobelnik from the Artificial Intelligence lab of the Jožef Stefan institute, based in Ljubljana, presented the subject that has existed for over 70 years but has become very popular especially in the last five to ten years – Artificial Intelligence.

Damjan Smrtnik, 5AK